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Carnival Cruise Ship Stranded 2013

This Article Is From The Archive of Our Partner

Triumph’s Passengers Recall Five Days on a Lifeless Cruise Ship

Passengers Share Their Experiences After Being Stranded at Sea

In an article from the archive of our partner, passengers aboard the lifeless cruise ship Triumph recall their experiences after five days of being stranded at sea.

The Triumph, a Carnival Cruise Line ship carrying 4200 passengers and crew, was disabled off the coast of Mexico on 10 February 2013. A fire in the ship's engine room knocked out its propulsion and electrical systems, leaving it adrift in the Gulf of Mexico. The ship was eventually towed back to port by a tugboat, but the passengers had to endure five days without power, air conditioning, or running water.

In interviews with our partner’s reporters, passengers described the conditions on board the ship as "horrific." They said the ship was hot and stuffy, and the toilets were overflowing. Passengers slept on deck in the cold and rain, and many became sick. Several passengers also reported being bitten by bedbugs.

Carnival Cruise Line has since apologized for the incident and has offered full refunds to all passengers. The company has also announced that it will be implementing new safety measures on its ships.

The Triumph incident is a reminder to passengers that even on a modern cruise ship, things can go wrong. It is important to be prepared for emergencies and to know what to do if you are ever stranded at sea.
